
Intuitive Guidance

intuitive guidance, healing, chakra, aura, energy healing, energy, healing from paralysis

“Suzanne has helped me greatly in my healing journey from neck down paralysis to coming out of it. I have been on a healing journey for years since my accident. Connecting with Suzanne on Skype brought a new awareness of some of my past lives and how that had impacted on this lifetime. Her energy was soothing even across the world. She highlighted and explained how I could improve energy flow in my physical body and energy centres. This really helped me be more focused and empowered in daring be more independent in my daily life. I also had a soul plan reading with her which shed great light on my personality and how to integrate some shadow aspects.

In fact, I can say that Suzanne’s guidance was my best healing”. P.B. – USA

Chakra & Aura Balancing

Chakra, chakra balancing, healing, energy healing, aura, aura balancing,

“I highly recommend having a chakra balancing session with Suzanne. I have never known such a profound sense of peace and balance. I had a session with Suzanne to heal, release and let go of all my fears and issue that were holding me back or that I was holding onto. After connecting to my patterns, Suzanne worked mainly with my sacral chakra and during the healing, she took me through a guided meditation which was an amazing experience. I had tears spontaneously rolling my cheeks which was obviously part of my release process but bizarelly without sadness or pain. All I felt was warmth, peace, happiness and an overall sense of renewed clarity.

Two months later, I am still calm focused and at peace. I can’t thank Suzanne enough and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend a session to anyone”. J.D. – UK

“Suzanne was so good at tailoring my shamanic healing to my own journey and nature. I found it very interesting and left feeling so light and energized. Having never experience something like this I did not know what to expect and was surprised to see what a positive effect it had on my body, mind and energy. I felt so re-connected and grounded. I will definitely be returning for another session.” L.C.- UK

Spiritual Coherence Coaching

DNA activation, spiritual coaching, gene activation, coherence, energy coherence

“I found Suzanne’s work on Youtube and could relate to her own journey of healing. I worked with her over a few sessions on Skype from Portugal. She powerfully guided me through some breathing and awareness practices which really helped me move some issues I have had around low energy and chronic fatigue. We also worked on the death of my brother and how this had affected my health and well-being. It was powerful to be able to be taught like this from the comfort of my home whilst Suzanne is in London”. V.W. – Portugal

Animal Communication

animal communication, dog communication, animal healing, dog healing

“Marley our beautiful terrier young dog was feeling a bit down so we got Suzanne to connect with him and see what he needed. She found that Marley missed his pack and needed more interaction with pack of dogs. So now, when we take him for a walk we actively seek packs’ of dogs that are being walked by dog walkers. He is much happier doing this than going on lonely walks like we use to. She also made us understand how to use our family as pack hierarchy to lead him into being more obedient and have an easier behaviour. I am now much more involved with him into understanding his own male energy which is helping his indoor’s behaviour a lot.

Suzanne is a true natural and we would recommend her to tap into your pet so they can be happy and healthy. Thank you Suzanne”. M. D. – UK

cat healing, animal communication, animal healing

“My cat had left my house since the summer. I got Suzanne involved. During her communication with him in our home, he unexpectedly came to pay us a short visit. He sat right between us! I was amazed. Suzanne guided me to build a heart to heart bridge with him. She also explained how I should talk to him and act around him because of his personality. Well, in short, he is back living with us. I am so relieved because he is a special cat. Thank you so much!” T.N. – UK


spiritual workshop, healing workshop, energy workshop

“I want to come to all your workshops. They help me so much from one month to the next. Especially with my health issues since last year. I am amazed how each of your workshop is completely different and there is always a gem, magic, a deep shift, tools for me to take back in my daily life. I love you!” A.J. – UK